Within the Vietnamese culture, divorce can be a difficult topic. However, if you are getting a divorce in California, you will have to tell others what is happening at some point. Being proactive about it and telling them before they find out some other way can help...
A Strong Advocate For The Vietnamese Community
Month: October 2018
Adding a forensic accountant to your divorce team
When the decision has been made for divorce in California, identifying and dividing the assets and debts can difficult. This is especially true if your spouse owns a cash-heavy business. At The Law Firm of & Associates, our team is...
What should I know as a new business owner?
If you’re a first-time business owner in California, chances are you need all the help you can get. While the details are bound to vary from business to business, there are certain steps you can take to increase your chance of success, no matter what good or...
California: The Land of Street Racing
While illegal street racing was around before the 2000s, the release of the film The Fast and the Furious made the activity explode with popularity. Within several areas around the United States, young individuals began forming groups to bet on which car was faster....
What happens if you die without a will?
All adults in the California Vietnamese community should take the responsible step of making out a will. You may understandably be reluctant to think about what will happen after you die, but a will is the best way to assure that your intended heirs receive your...